Name * First Name Last Name Which location are you applying for? * San Clemente Laguna Beach Both Applying for * Part Time Dipper Option Part Time Supervisor Manager Email * Phone * (###) ### #### What is your birth date? not required if 18 and over MM DD YYYY Current Address * Available Start Date * If any day, check only "any day" at the bottom of the list MM DD YYYY Available Days To Work * If any day, check only "any day" at the bottom of the list Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thrusday Friday Saturday Any Day Available Times To Work If any time, check only "any time" at the bottom of the list 11:30am-5:30pm 1:30pm - 5:30pm 5:30pm - 10:30pm Any Time Currently Employed? * Yes No Education Select all that apply In highschool Completed Highschool In college Completed College Name Of School (s) * Degree Earned If applicable Describe your previous work experience Dates Employed/Business Name/Role or Title How did you hear about South Swell? Why do you want to work at South Swell? * Why do you think you would be a good fit for the position? * Tell us something interesting about yourself Instagram Handle or other social media ex: @southswellicecream Are you looking for summer or year round employment? * Summer Year Round Do you have car? Yes No If not, describe how you would get to work. Thank you! Join The Team ⭑ Join The Team ⭑ Join The Team ⭑ IN ADDITION TO YOUR APPLICATION, PLEASE EMAIL YOUR RESUME TO KWOLFE@SOUTHSWELLICECREAM.COM