Hello! We are so happy that you're a part of the South Swell family and we can't wait to get to know you as we all grow together. We hold our beliefs and values in high regard so you'll need to know them intimately. We created this handbook to help you get started, Keep track of our key initiatives and most importantly, to make sure you always know your purpose here. It is the responsibility of every South Swell Employee to hold others accountable to everything in this handbook.

You should use this handbook in your first week and keep it handy as an on-going reference. As you grow with our business, you may have ideas on how to improve what's in here; please know that those ideas are always welcome.

So get ready and thanks again for joining South Swell!


The South Swell Team


What goes better with the sweet life by the beach than rad ice cream?

At South Swell, we are committed to creating a fun experience that will become a part of tradition for locals and tourists alike. It is our mission to provide customers with creative and delicious ice cream options in an environment that contributes to creating some of life's best moments.

We believe this mission is a worthy one.


South Swell does this not just by selling ice cream, but selling ice cream with an experience. Doing this brings more to the table than just ice cream. It brings a bright, clean, happy space with rotating menu options, one on one service, and a fun experience to watch and create. It brings positive involvement between the customer and South Swell in creating something both memorable and unique.



  • You communicate in a clear and concise manner because you value other people's time more than your own.

  • You use appropriate styles of communication to fit the audience and purpose.

  • You trust others and build other's trust in you.

Be Impressive

  • You leave an impression of admiration, awe, and/or respect on others as a result of your work,

  • Your colleagues rave about the amazing results that you produce.

  • You are resourceful and formulate creative alternatives or solutions to resolve problems

Be Courageous

  • You hold others accountable and question actions inconsistent with our values and principles.

  • You recognize when a conversation needs to happen and speak up, even if it's a difficult topic.

  • You embrace conflict and during one, you are hard on content and soft on people.

  • You ask dumb questions.

  • You are comfortable saying, "I don't know".

Be Kind

  • You are a delight to be around (most of the time).

  • You follow the golden rule.

  • You see the positive side of things while still being realistic.

  • You use humor as appropriate.

  • You avoid drama for drama's sake.


Change is good

Things can always be improved upon. If you have ideas on how to improve our procedures or processes, please share with management. We are eager to hear your ideas!

We believe there is a solution to every problem. If something isn't working, we do something about it, remembering, of course, that the team comes before any individual employee. If you don’t like what the present says about your future, change it!


How we do things around here

Harassment and Discrimination

Be respectful of others and follow the golden rule. South Swell does not tolerate bullying of any kind. Disrespectful behavior not in line with our values is grounds for discipline or immediate termination.


To ensure that employees enjoy a work environment free from interference, intimidation, hostility or offensive words or behavior from any source.

To clearly define the concept of harassment and reiterate that harassment, sexual or otherwise, will not be tolerated by South Swell.

To list the various ways an employee can raise a question or complaint about possible harassment; and to reiterate the Company’s rule against retaliation. 


This policy applies to all South Swell employees.


1. Every South Swell employee shall be allowed to perform his or her job without experiencing words, or behavior from others that are unwelcome, coercive, unreasonably distracting, intimidating, demeaning or offensive.

2. We strictly prohibit sexual harassment or harassment because of sex, race, religion, creed, color, ancestry, national origin, disability, age, sexual orientation, citizenship status, marital status or any other basis protected by Federal, State, Provincial or Local law. 

3. South Swell employees are expected to conduct themselves in a respectful and professional manner at all times. Any employee who does not meet this standard will be subject to discipline, up to and including immediate discharge.

4. Employees who believe they have experienced harassment are encouraged to come forward right away to a manager,supervisor or owner. Contacts for managers,supervisors and owners are provided to all employees. South Swell will not tolerate any retaliation against individuals who complain, assist others in doing so or otherwise engage in protected activity.

5. South Swell is a Harassment-Free Workplace. 


Harassment is any conduct that is directed at another individual or that occurs in the presence of another individual and is: (1) unwelcome; and (2) has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance or of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment. Harassment may become illegal if it is based on or related to a protected trait, such as sex, race, religion, color, creed, age, disability, national origin, marital status, sexual orientation and citizenship status etc., but ALL forms of harassment, whether illegal or not, are contrary to this policy and may lead to discipline.

Harassment includes, but is not limited to, the following kinds of behavior:

*Unwelcome romantic advances, sexual propositions, conversations or flirting;

* Promises of benefits or threats of punishment that are conditioned on sexual activities;

* Offensive comments, slurs, jokes or epithets, whether delivered verbally or non- verbally through gestures, pictures, songs, signs, clothing, text messages, emails or other means;

* Display of offensive, obscene or sexually-suggestive words, pictures, cartoons, drawings or photographs;

* Sexually-related conversations,questions, comments, jokes or innuendoes

* Physical contact such as touching, pinching, patting, hugging, rubbing, blocking normal movement, handling personal belongings without permission or otherwise interfering with work.

*Harassment can occur whether or not the harasser was joking or intended to cause offense.

*Harassment can come from managers but also co-workers, subordinates and even third parties, such as customers or vendors.

*Harassment can happen between employees of the same race, gender, religion, color, creed, sex, age, disability, national origin, marital status, sexual orientation and citizenship status, etc.

*Harassment can occur anywhere that an employee acts in the scope of his or her employment, including a customer worksite or other off-site meeting. 


You can take off your apron but you can't take off your face. Being part of the South Swell family will make you a recognizable part of the family and the San Clemente and Laguna Beach community. Be responsible with your social media posts and behavior in and outside of work. If you post something at work that includes another co-worker, please get their permission before posting. Use common sense, You are a representation of South Swell.


A locker located in the storage room is available to you to keep your personal items during your shift. You can take it upon yourself to bring a lock with you if you are concerned about your things. South Swell is not liable for any items missing from employees lockers.


Our parking lot is located behind the building and is available for employees and customers of South Swell as well as our adjoining neighbors. All employees must use the back parking lot.

Parking is free.


We know that you are going to have friends and family coming through the shop and we welcome them as customers however, hanging out and socializing during your scheduled shift hours is not permitted at anytime. It is important that we keep the shop flowing and that you stay available so that we can serve our customers as well as stay busy doing your job.

If you decide to spend your break time with a friend, please have them wait for you outside of the shop. There is a table and chairs located by the back entrance that you are welcome to use during break time.

Please be aware of surrounding businesses with your volume and language.


You are required to take a 10 minute rest break any shift that is 4 hours. This 10 minute break is typically taken in the middle of your shift. Any shift over 6 hour requires an unpaid 30 minute meal break.

What to Wear

Basically, always look on point. Bring your style to every shift-we love to see it!

No profanity on clothing, hair up if passed shoulder length, and hands and nails looking clean/ free of chipped polish at all times. Please no acrylic nails. Jewelry and accessories are encouraged!

Always wear a clean apron. If your apron gets extremely dirty during your shift, please grab a spare apron located in the storage room. (Aprons are optional)

Saturday and Sunday shifts are required to wear a South Swell merch top (t shirt, sweatshirt, etc.) 2 of these will be provided for you.

Non skid, restaurant/work grade closed toed shoes are required. This is very important and you will be sent home to get them if you arrive at your shift in any other shoes.


All employees of South Swell must obtain their food handlers card after being hired/before beginning work at South Swell and serving food. Certification can be forwarded through email to your manager, Kristen.

Email is

Your food handlers card can be obtained at